October 2008 E-newsletter

Wanderlust 2008: Sharing stories, riding bikes
by Shelby KnoxPEP Young Women's Leadership Council
What is Wanderlust? It's not a word most people hear or say with regularity, but it tingles off the tongue with a bit of mystical lightness that hints at its meaning - a strong desire to travel.

Swarthmore Womyn of Color Collective Hosts Panel on Reproductive Justice
by Neena CherayilSwarthmore Daily Gazette
The newly-formed Swarthmore Womyn of Color Collective kicked off its first year with a panel on Reproductive Justice. The talk featured executive directors of three major reproductive justice organizations: Aimee Thorne-Thomsen of the Pro-Choice Public Education Project, Mia Mingus of Spark: Reproductive Justice Now!, and Kierra Johnson of Choice USA.

Dear Mom and Dad: I'm Queer.
by Lani BlechmanPEP Young Women's Leadership Council
Dear Mom and Dad, We've never really talked about this before, but I want to talk to you about sex. About sex and relationships and life styles and gender and identity and community. I know this will come as a shock *sarcasm* but it's true-sometimes I have sex. And here's the real bomb shell: I'm queer.

PEP announces the release of "On Our Terms" - young women of color, activism, and reproductive justice.
You can request a copy of our new report based on quantitative research about young women of color, activism, and reproductive justice.