Home » Get Involved » The RISE Initiative
 | PEP Launches the RISE Initiative
The Pro-Choice Public Education Project (PEP) is dedicated to building an inclusive reproductive justice movement by raising the voices of young women, transgender, and gender non-conforming young people. The RISE Initiative will bring together qualitative research, leadership development, and movement-building strategies to increase the visibility and engagement of young people around reproductive justice issues. |
 | RISE Initiative Partners
PEP is working with eight partner organizations as part of the RISE Initiative. We're collaborating with four Alliance partners on an ongoing basis to develop young leaders around reproductive justice issues, and four other organizations are working with PEP to conduct one focus group each in their communities in November and December, 2010. |
 | RISE Initiative Timeline
The Rise Initiative begins in Fall 2009 with focus groups around the country. In 2010, we'll be working with Alliance partners on leadership development and organizing efforts and attending the United States Social Forum in Detroit. |
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